Why join OpenChia?

That’s the question you may be asking yourself right now.

We will give you 5 reasons on why you should consider joining us.

1. Open source

Open source software is the foundation of every major company these days. Especially on business where a currency is involved we feel being completely open is the number one reason to gain trust.

All our software is completely open source. This blog, the pool website, the API and the pool server code. Why? Because we believe pools should not have anything to hide. The code can be audited by anyone and even be used to create another pool if anybody wishes. Perhaps other pools will even join the effort and contribute code back to build a stronger community and better pools. Pools do not have to be enemies, there is plenty of space for everybody.

2. Experience

Our team has a lot of experience in the IT industry, developing all kinds of software aiming quality and administrating the most complex systems. We are prepared to adapt to any changes in the Chia blockchain and implement any features we may deem necessary, including the ones farmers may request us through GitHub.

3. Infrastructure

Unlike several pools out there, renting cheap servers prone to hardware failures, we are hosting our pool in the cloud. That means the service is being backed up by high availability systems and protected against distributed denial of service. Our infrastructure is scalable, meaning we can expend very easily as we grow.

4. Explorer

We offer an explorer for the pool, making available every single data point of every farmer in the pool. All that data is also available through an OpenAPI that can be used to develop other apps or even audit our operation.

5. Support

We are prepared to offer technical support to any farmer in the pool, doesn’t matter how small. We are also trying to build a friendly community of farmers that can help each other out. Discord is the platform we have chosen for this intent.